We’ve braved through the earthquakes, we’ve survived the tsunami, and we’ve rumbled up and down with the plane together. Now that we’re back, safe at our own home sweet home, how did you find our adventure together on your last 2012 Movie Day trip? We hope you had a great time sailing away on a humongous ark with Exabytes, because we definitely did!

Thanks for being a great sport too! We are extremely happy and proud to see the cinema hall literally covered in an ocean of grey, all because of you very supportive people! Now, here comes the dish-of-the-day! EBiz Gold Linux Unlimited hosting plan, FREE for one year for not one, not two, but THREE lucky winners caught in grey! 😀

Now without further ado, let’s check who are the 3 lucky winners out. Drum roll please.. Ladies and gentlemen, we present you, the lucky movie patrons of that day!




Okay, you may stop gaping at the screen now! 😛 Yes, if that’s YOU (highlighted in a clear box) you’re staring at the screen, well, a VERY BIG congratulations to you! You have just gotten yourself a FREE EBiz Gold Linux Unlimited hosting plan for 1 year!

In order to claim your free hosting, all you need to do is :

1.    Post a comment in Exabytes blog on how much you enjoyed the movie
2.    Drop and email to [email protected] with the email subject “Exabytes Movie Day”
3.    In your email, please include the following information:

  • Name
  • IC Number
  • Mobile number
  • Email
  • Client ID/Domain name (If you are Exabytes client)

And voila, the free hosting is yours! Oh, in the event that you are already our existing client, you may choose to extend your existing hosting for 1 year or request for a coupon code to purchase a new hosting account. As for non-Exabytes client, you will receive a free 1 year hosting voucher for our EBiz Gold Unlimited package! Congratulations again to all of you! 😉

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