
It is one of the important religious holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide to honour the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismail (Ishmael) as an act of submission to God’s command and his son’s acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Abraham with a Lamb to sacrifice instead. While there may not be any activity done after Eid Ul-Fitr prayers, for Eid Ul-Adha, there will be a ritual of sacrificing a sheep, cow, goat, buffalo or camel in the name of God, giving away one-third of the meat to friends and neighbors and donating one-third or more of the meat to the poor and needy.

Therefore, in conjunction with this special occasion, Exabytes Network would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims in Malaysia and around the world a very meaningful and joyous Eid Ul-Adha! To commemorate this special day, our office will be closed on the 15th October 2013 and resume operation on 16th August 2013. However, in case you require any technical assistance, don’t fret as our professional technical team will still be working 24×7 to assist you day and night.

Last but not least, to everyone who will be taking on a short holiday for this special occasion, have a pleasant and safe journey!

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