Influencer marketing is a well-known promotion tool in the B2C universe, but it is getting increasingly popular in B2B industries as well. As a matter of fact, influencer marketing is the fastest-growing online customer-acquisition method.

This is not a surprise given the fact that B2B influencer marketing content delivers 11 times higher ROI than traditional forms of digital marketing. How is it possible?

Well, the secret lies in the sheer versatility of benefits that influencer marketing brings to B2B organizations. Using this format of B2B promotion, you can achieve the following results:

  • Raise brand awareness

  • Strengthen professional authority

  • Generate new leads

  • Drive conversions

However, B2B influencer marketing is easier said than done – you can understand everything in theory, but fail to successfully execute the idea in real life. This is why we are going to show you 10 brands with amazing B2B influencer marketing campaigns.

  1. Oracle Dyn – The Cybersecurity Intelligence Report

Oracle Dyn is a global authority in the DNS service domain, but they wanted to go beyond that and establish the brand as the niche authority in web app cybersecurity. This is why Oracle Dyn decided to get in touch with some of the most prominent industry experts such as Kevin Jackson and Eric Vanderburg.

They worked together to craft “The Cybersecurity Intelligence Report: Bot Management and Mitigation.” The document earned public appraisals of B2B stakeholders and gave Oracle Dyn a huge awareness boost in no time.

  1. SAP – Leonardo Platform

SAP stands for Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing. The company has decades of relevant experience in end-to-end enterprise application software, but this time they wanted to highlight the benefits of the new Leonardo Platform.

Jake Gardner, the buy assignment expert and software manager, who follow-ups the essay writing service reviews blogs, watched SAP executing this influencer marketing campaign: “SAP invited more than 30 industry thought leaders to take part in the so-called Path to Digital Innovation, a tool showcasing practical capabilities of Leonardo. Every influencer accepted the invitation and helped SAP to make a major breakthrough with more than 20 million views all over the globe.”

  1. SAP Success Factors

SAP produced yet another high-quality B2B influencer marketing campaign entitles Success Factors. The idea of the project was to highlight the benefits of wellness programs in professional organizations.

This time, SAP invited all sorts of influencers to join the campaign, including their own employees, wellness gurus, industry experts, and business celebrities. Working as a team, they created a dedicated landing page, eBook, motion graphics, and a whole series of social posts to promote wellbeing practices among business professionals.

  1. Digital Marketing Institute – Game On

Digital Marketing Institute organizes amazing industry events, but they felt like taking the extra step in terms of event promotion. Their idea couldn’t be better as the Institute gathered 36 B2B influencers to:

  • Create a 48-page eBook with lots of attractive topics

  • Design a retro game theme animation of each influencer

Connecting gamification elements with highly relevant digital marketing topics, the Institute maximized event visibility and successfully attracted dozens of new participants.

  1. 3M – Science Podcast

Science is not exactly the hottest topic in the online realm, but 3M decided to change this fact through the super-engaging Science Champions Podcast. Jayshree Seth, of the 3M organization, hosted 21 scientists during the first season of the podcast.

These influencers discussed important topics in a relatively simple manner, thus helping the audience to learn more about complex scientific issues. On the other hand, 3M was widely recognized as one of the most influential science teams in the US.

  1. Dell Technologies – Podcast Series

Another company that used a podcast as the B2B influencer marketing format is Dell Technologies. Their idea was to grow stronger relationships with key opinion leaders and help experts at Dell Technologies to build a professional reputation along the way. They discussed tech subjects in a casual manner, thus making serious IT topics seem simple and interesting even to first-time listeners.

  1. Cherwell Software – ITSM Promotion

Cherwell Software is a leader in IT service management technologies, but they struggled to achieve the desired level of brand awareness and online discoverability. Just like students need the dissertation assistance, Cherwell Software needed instant awareness help.

For this reason, the company’s marketing unit identified 15 influencers that can make the biggest impact on the target B2B audience. Influencers joined efforts to craft a series of promo materials such as ITSM blog posts, eBooks, landing pages, and social posts.

The result was impressive – influencers surpassed campaign objectives and drastically improved the reputation of Cherwell Software.

  1. Introhive – CRM Software

Introhive specializes in customer relationship management (CRM) services, but they had a hard time explaining the advantages of the concept to the legal industry. They identified the event organized by the Legal Marketing Association as the best way to promote CRM software.

Introhive created a Playbook with all the relevant explanations and supported the document with tons of online articles, social shares, sponsored posts, and emails. The campaign turned out to be a huge success as more people downloaded the new Playbook than all the previous versions combined.

  1. DivvyHQ – Content Marketing

Content marketing is the most powerful promotional strategy of the 21st century, but the competition in this field is severe. As one of the best content planning tools out there, DivvyHQ wanted to earn more impressions using a comprehensive B2B influencer marketing campaign.

They engaged more than 30 influencers and organized five separate campaigns to explain the concepts of content strategizing and workflow automation services. Needless to say, each campaign was a huge success with thousands of views, comments, and report downloads.

  1. Prophix – AI and ML Explained

Prophix is a top-level corporate performance platform that relies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to help financial institutions to design better offers for their clients. However, a lot of industry decision-makers did not understand the functioning of AI and ML tools, so Prophix stepped in to help them figure out the topic.

They designed a digital person called Penny and let influencers explain their ideas through this virtual persona. Besides that, the campaign included tons of supporting materials such as emails, infographics, and similar.

The whole strategy helped Prophix build new relationships and inspire many stakeholders to check out their services.


Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing trends in the B2B realm, but it takes some serious work to craft a proper strategy in this field. If you are thinking about joining the game, you should learn from the best and see how they exploit this marketing channel.

In our post, we discussed 10 brands with standout B2B influencer marketing campaigns. Which one did you like the most?

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