Have you ever wished you could fly together with Tinkerbelle when you were a kid but never got the chance to? Yes, you know, that intelligent little pixie in Peter Pan show with a wand in her hand, sprinkling fairy dust, and gliding through the adventurous worlds of Neverland; visiting ocean, desert, jungle, even the Pirate Ship with her other fairy friends? Now is the time! Come on over to Exabytes and get the chance to meet her in person! Only the “Tinkerbelle” you will meet in Exabytes cannot fly, but walk instead! Oh and does her magic using her laptop, not the wand! 🙂 Hence, without further ado, let us introduce you to our version of Tinkerbelle, none other than Ms Ho Sing Yee, Exabytes’ “Intelligent Fairy”!

Although you don’t see her with wings soaring high in the air, she definitely has the all the qualities, entitling her to win this soaring title! She..

  • Works overtime to help increase the company’s productivity.
  • Always think ahead to execute Exabytes marketing plans.
  • Is always punctual to work.
  • Has the initiative to still attend English classes despite getting A’s in English.
  • Is always eager to learn more inside or outside job scope by attending Jackie’s PHP Training class.
  • Is undoubtedly a self-learning person
  • Is able to increase the website traffic
  • Does office work even when at home!
  • With the personality traits revealed, it’s time to reveal this petite beauty! Let’s give it up for, Ms Ho Sing Yee for one more time! 😀


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    16 years ago

    congrats to her!