exabytes affiliate update

Update: June 2019
To ensure the tracking flows remain successful on our affiliate program, we wish to announce that with effect from today, domain names will be removed from our affiliate program.

We’re thankful for your wonderful support. Thank you for choosing Exabytes as your affiliate program provider. This change will not affect the current affiliate plans and commission allocation for all services provided by Exabytes.

Exabytes Affiliate Program no longer offers commissions for domain signups

Exabytes has taken hard steps to ensure that your links with domain names are still working. Although when clicked, the Exabytes domain landing page will open/display as usual, the tracking link might be lost or inoperable.

You’re advised to recheck your affiliate account and replace the domain link that you placed previously. This change will not affect the current affiliate plans and commission allocation for all services provided by Exabytes.

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you have any enquiry.

Thank you very much for your attention.