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It’s Day 2 of HostingCon 2009 and we had the honour of meeting up with all the best and brightest from the industry! We cannot even begin how exciting it was! 😀

Okay. We know you can tell the excitement that is bursting out from us, so enough talking already. Let the pictures speak for themselves! Enjoy! 😀

First KeyNote session of the day by Microsoft’s representative – Zane Adam on Virtualization: Enabling Hosting Providers to be Successful in the New Era of Software plus Service.

HostingCon 2009 event photo

2nd Keynote – Shaping the Cloud Opportunity: Vision and Growth for the future by Microsoft, Tier 1 Research, Google, SalesForce.com and RackSpace

HostingCon 2009 event photo

Andy at the entrance of the Exhibition Hall

HostingCon 2009 event photo

And the famous cPanel booth, the first booth once one enters the hall!

cPanel booth HostingCon 2009 event photo

Cookies anyone? 😀


The lady from cPanel who gifted us with the cookie! Thanks lady, it was indeed delicious! 😀

cPanel HostingCon 2009 event photo

Mr CEO trying out the cPanel Enkompass demo.

HostingCon 2009 event photo kompass cPanel


parelles booth HostingCon 2009 event photo

mx Logic.

mx logic HostingCon 2009 event photo

HostingCon 2009 event photo


dotpanel HostingCon 2009 event photo


hostopia HostingCon 2009 event photo

Exabytes CEO meets DemoWolf‘s founder. 🙂

demowolf founder together with exabytes founder at HostingCon 2009


pinnaclecart booth HostingCon 2009

The friendly people from OpenSRS

opensrs booth HostingCon 2009

OpenSRS booth HostingCon 2009

And this is where we networked! 😀

Networking Lounge HostingCon 2009

Web Host Industry Review banner 😉


Spin the wheel!

spin the wheel HostingCon 2009 event photo

2checkout.com and the super-friendly guy! Hello you! Warghhhh! 😛

2checkout.com booth HostingCon 2009

HostingCon 2009

This is Webhosting Talk‘s (the online forum board) booth but err, I see nobody talking?

WebHosting Talk HostingCon 2009


soholaunch booth HostingCon 2009

Our free gifts by the end of the day! Cool eh? 😀

HostingCon 2009 free gift


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14 years ago

I want those free gifts!

14 years ago

Wahaha… sure cool. So, you gonna share some of the free gifts with your loyal hosting clients or not le? 🙂

14 years ago

Hello Irene,

Nice seeing u here! Haha. Will ask Mr CEO to bring back some for all of you! 😛

14 years ago

Hohoho… waiting for your good news. Mr CEO is back liao oh. 🙂