exabytes-dot-site-domainRadix, one of the world’s largest portfolio registries, today announced that its nTLD .SITE has surpassed 1 million domains under management. This makes Radix the first nTLD portfolio registry to have two of its TLDs, .ONLINE and .SITE, in the coveted “1 million club”.

.SITE has been among the top three fastest-growing nTLDs globally with a YoY growth rate of 111% in 2018. It is also currently the 6th largest nTLD by domain registrations.

Speaking about the milestone, Sandeep Ramchandani, CEO, Radix, said, “We are extremely delighted to have reached this milestone for .SITE. We have consistently received positive feedback from our partners that .SITE is a preferred TLD among small and medium businesses (SMBs). With the increase in the new domain registrations on .SITE, we are expecting a healthy increase in the number of renewed .SITE domains. This aligns with our philosophy of tracking long term value of a TLD by keeping renewals as a key success metric.”

An internal study by Radix shows that over 70% of developed domains on .SITE represent SMEs from various industries such as Retail, eCommerce, Information Technology, and Professional Services.

.SITE has consistently grown globally, the top three geographies that have contributed to its 1 million domain registrations are the United States, European Union, and China; a trend commonly seen across the most successful TLDs.
Dmitry Deniskin, VP of Emerging Markets at REG.RU, said, “Since .SITE domain sounds the same as the word ”сайт” (website) in Russian, it’s a popular choice for individuals and SMBs looking for brandable domain names. .SITE domain was among our fastest growing nTLDs in 2018, which helped REG.RU to become #8 in the world and #1 in Russia in the rankings of the .SITE registrars”.
.SITE was first launched for general availability in July 2015 and was part of the historic first round of gTLDs approved by ICANN. Since then, .SITE has been growing consistently in registrations around the world.

Register your desired .SITE domain name now before others get it: https://www.exabytes.com/domains/site-domain

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