WordPress is undoubtedly the most widely used Content Management System (CMS) for websites and blogs. However, just like any CMS, it does contain certain vulnerabilities that are open to the exploitation of hackers/scammers. As a WordPress user, what can you do to enhance your WordPress website security?

Check them out on how to secure WordPress website!


Here are 7 simple ways to secure your WordPress website:

  • Stay Updated
  • Remove Unused Themes and Plugins
  • Monitor your Files
  • Do Backups Regularly
  • Conceal Admin Details
  • Use Secure Hosting
  • Use SSL to Encrypt Data


Stay Updated

Updating your website (including plugins and themes) to the latest WordPress version is essential for your website security. Hackers read the release notes and find vulnerabilities in the software. When they learn the weaknesses of the software you use, they will start to attack using the weak points. Thus updating will fix software vulnerabilities and weaknesses and help to strengthen your WordPress powered website against cyber attacks.


To update your WordPress account to the latest version, follow these few simple steps:-

1- Login to your WordPress dashboard

2- Click on “Updates” on the top left corner.

3- On this page, you can see whether if you are using the latest version of WordPress. If not, just click on “Update” and your WordPress account will be updated to the latest version.


Remove Unused Themes and Plugins

If you have more than one theme and plugin, remove all other unused ones. Extra themes and plugins not only use up your storage space, they can also appear as a vulnerability to hackers, who exploit and attack your website through the weak points.


To remove unused themes, follow these simple steps:-

1- Login to your WordPress dashboard

2- Click on “Appearances” on the middle left corner.

3- Hover to the theme that you wish to delete and click on “Theme Details”.

4- Click ‘Delete” on the bottom right corner

5- A pop up will appear asking you whether are you sure you want to delete the theme, then, click “OK”


To remove unused plugins, follow these simple steps:-

1- Login to your WordPress dashboard

2- Click on “Plugins” on the middle left corner.

3- Select plugins that are unused and click “delete”

4- A pop up will appear asking you whether are you sure you want to delete the plugin, then, click “OK”


Monitor your Files

If you want extra security, monitor the changes of website files via plugin such as Wordfence or iTheme Security. It is an important activity to ensure stronger website security as any unintentional file changes might be a sign of threat.

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Do Backups Regularly

Doing regular Backups is also a great move. If your website has been attacked by hackers, restoring your website from backup (done before your website is hacked/infected) helps to remove malicious files on your website. Thus it’s wise to do backups on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to give your website a second life. You can also carry out website backup from your cPanel platform (shown in image below). Read here to learn more on how to perform a backup in cPanel.

backup secure wordpress website


Conceal Admin Details

Do not use default login path and username. It is shocking that some webmasters are still practicing this. Change your username, at least, to make it difficult for hackers. Your website password, in fact, serves as a very important barrier to protect your website. Use complex passwords that have a combination of uppercase/lowercase letters, symbols and numbers. Change your password regularly to further enhance your website security.


Use Secure Hosting

Choose a hosting provider with strong security measures. It’s important to ensure that your hosting provider provides scheduled backup for you. Moreover, you should also make sure that the software installed on your website (as indicated on your hosting panel such as cPanel and Softaculous) are updated to the latest version. If you are searching for a secure web hosting plan, Exabytes Small Business Hosting and Exabytes Premium Business Hosting are a good choice as it comes with Free SSL (https), Free Daily Backup and Free WHOIS Domain Privacy Protection.


Use SSL to Encrypt Data

Implement an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is one smart move to secure the admin panel. SSL creates an encrypted connection between your web server and your visitors’ web browsers, allowing for private information (example: credit card details) to be transmitted without the problems of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery. Implementing SSL not only helps to protect your website, it also helps to protect your website visitors’ data.

With our hosting plans, you’ll be given a free SSL certificate so that your website visitors’ data can be protected.

Check out Exabytes’ SSL plan here.


Secure WordPress Website is a Responsible

Securing your WordPress website is no longer only about your own website because unsecured website can help to spread malicious software and files (although unintentionally) that will harm your visitors. This can no doubt, triggers a domino effect, causing a wider spread of viruses and malware.

Let us do our part to help create a safer and better Internet world!