How time flies…We (Exabytes staff) can be considered the frequent visitors of the Hari Raya Ramadan bazaar nearby our office. And today is probably the last day for us to savour the yummy food at the bazaar. hehe.. It’s been almost 30 days and we just don’t realize it! It’s time for us to wish all our Muslim clients and blog readers Selamat Hari Raya!

Exabytes wishing selamat hari raya

Special Announcement

Exabytes office will be closed on 1 October 2008 and 2 October 2008 in conjunction with Hari Raya holiday. However, with our 24/7 promise, our technical support will be here to serve you. Feel free to submit your queries to our HELPDESK and your queries are sure to be attended as soon as possible!

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