Hello and attention all! The time has come again, and it is the time that you’ve all been waiting for – the announcement of the new Exabytes’s Employee of The Month!

Before we can reveal our EOTM for all of you to know, let us talk a little about becoming the “number one” in anything. What does it take to be number one, really? Well at Exabytes, it takes strength, courage, drive, and of course, passion to do more and better each time. All of which we can find in this wonderful lady (yes, the throne goes back to the Venus’s residents this time!), who is not only popular among us in Exabytes, but also among our customers, that’s for sure. This is because this lady, who always manages to light up the entire office with her cheerful charisma every day, is never found to be disappointing us nor the customers, thanks to her ability to multitask efficiently. From troubleshooting programs, to monitoring the servers, to replying customers’ tickets, to hyping up the crowds at company’s events, she has definitely done a great job this quarter. That is why ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are thrilled to announce our April EOTM, also the System Enginer of our company – Ms Tan Ee Dawn, Exabytes Wonder Woman!

There are many distinctive traits that made Ms Dawn everybody’s sweetheart, but what are they? Let’s find out!

  • Managed to contribute a lot to the Email Department.
  • Able to resolve each problem calmly and efficiently.
  • A lady with a big dose of positive thinking attitude in herself.
  • Very responsible in executing the daily tasks assigned to her.
  • Extremely friendly, and works very well in a team.

Therefore ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together, for your reigning queen of the month, Ms Tan Ee Dawn! Congratulations, girl! 🙂


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15 years ago

Dawn, you are our Happy Fruit. haha.

15 years ago

Congrats Ee Dawn. You’ve helped me a lot in solving my problems! *hugs*

15 years ago

Dawn, Congratulation!! XD

Chia Chong
Chia Chong
15 years ago


M Razak Zainol
M Razak Zainol
15 years ago

I hope I am not too late to congratulate you for being April’s Employee of the month which I personally felt you really deserve it based on my experience with your superb assistance.