Just a short update on the progress of our new office!

Last few days our designer, Vickson went to our new office which is still under construction and it seems that the wall partitions for some areas of the office are now up! Ok, maybe not completely up yet lah. But it’s coming along! Look! 😀

Exabytes New Office Updates photo

As you can see, they use thick soundproofing foam to absorb sound and reduce echoes in some particular areas of our new office soon. This comes especially handy when we want to kick back and relax in our private Lounge Room, playing Nintendo games or just jamming to our favorite music! Sounds neat, huh? Jangan jealous! (don’t be jealous!) Hehe.

Oh oh, and before we forget! Vickson also found some interesting items to be auctioned while he was there, for all you Exabytes fans out there! We know how much we are *coughs* loved and how you have always wanted to have a piece of us *coughs coughs*. So now you can! 😀

Exabytes New Office Updates photo

Okay. We will start the bidding at RM1.00. Okay fine, RM0.50 lah.

Going once, going twice. . . No, seriously. Anyone?

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15 years ago

ExaBytes new office seems very much like Google Office.