At Exabytes, we understand that everybody is unique, and the different needs of each and every one of them. That is why, we have come up with not just one, but two truly remarkable plans, customized to meet your needs!

EBiz Beginner


Introducing EBiz Beginner, an all-in-one hosting plan compacted into one powerful hosting package to give that strong foundation for everyone with an interest in webhosting. Definitely a perfect plan to help beginners with little experience get started in webhosting and become so good at it, it will leave them wondering why “domain name” was such a mystery to them before!

EBiz Home


Introducing EBiz Home, the perfect plan for families, at excellent value. With a large amount of web space, monthly data transfer and all the extra features, papa can now correspond with his clients via the smart webmail, mama can now keep her recipes in her personal cooking website and I can blog all day, all night!

C’mon and get the plan that best fits your needs, now! 😉

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