Like a big happy family, meeting to keep up with each family member’s progress is necessary in order to keep everything in order besides strengthening the bond among the family members. Therefore, last Wednesday, Exabytes recently organized our first ever “TownHall Meeting” which was held to raise feedbacks and suggestions on matters concerned from our very own family members.

 The thing that is so special about this meeting is that, it involves the participation of all Exabytes family members – inside and outside Exabytes HQ! How? With a little help from our dear technology – Skype, of course! Hehe. So we had it turned on, and contacted our family in Cyberjaya and not forgetting, those in India. And believe it or not, the meeting started as early as 0710 in the morning and successfully ended even before our working hours to ensure the efficiency of our daily operations. So you can imagine how early each of us had to get up on that day! Surprisingly though, all of us turned up on time (if not earlier) and none was caught nodding their heads eyes-shut, throughout the 1-hour meeting! Hehe.

Since our time was limited, we only had the chance to discuss 2 agendas, which were:

  • ways to reduce our support request, and
  • office environment each of us would like to have when move to our new office soon

Here are some of pictures of us during the meeting!






And of course, once adjourned, all of our hungry tummies were fed with scrumptious McD breakfast that really gave us a good morning kick-start! Hehe. Until another update from us again! 😉

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16 years ago

Wow, cool ~

congrats! Anyway, just drop by and leave a comment:)

I can feel it. You guys really like a big family. Must be very happy to work there.

16 years ago

hehe thanks kailoon! we are indeed, a very big happy family indeed! all thanks to supportive people like you! 🙂