When the pumpkins are out, horror masks are everywhere and candies are sold in bulk, what does it mean? Thaaaat’s right, it could only mean one thing – Halloween time!
How was Halloween for all of you? Well one thing for sure, it sure was a BLAST here in Exabytes! 😀

The day started with a bang! Everybody came extra early that very day, just to put on their scary make up and outfits in the toilet before the official working hours started and became “ghosts” for a day! Those naughty ones who got ready early would stand behind doors and start scaring other colleagues when they entered the office! 😀

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (1)

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (2)

BOO! Heeehehe. We’re telling you, their expressions were priceless! 😛

Once the working hours started, all of us ghosts would go back to our stations and continued with our usual work routine. Once in a while, some naughty ones would go under the desks to disturb us or tap us on our shoulders and scare us with their props just to keep the Halloween spirit going in the office!

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (3)

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (4)

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (5)
That’s why every now and then you’d hear some of the colleagues going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH and the naughty ones would be laughing and slapping high fives with each other! 😛

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (6)

And then it was lunch time. Believe it or not, all of us, clad in horrifying outfits and gory makeup, actually went out in a group to hunt for blood food! 😛

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (7)

It was really fun to see the horror look on the people’s faces when they walked past us at our usual makan place at the famous Bayan Lepas Market! Some “brave” ones would even approach us to have pictures taken with us! It was really cool; we felt like ghost-celebrities for a day! 😛

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (8)

And then, to make the day even more interesting, we even went to the nearby Sunshine Mall to buy groceries and spread the Halloween spirit there! 😀

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (9)

Once the lunch time is over, we returned to our office and continued working like usual. And then, as soon as the clock stroke 5pm, we were called to the common area for a little feast. There were so many food to choose from; pizza, kapitan chicken, naan roti as well as candies and snacks! We were stuffed!

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (10)

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (11)

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (12)

And then, it was the time we were waiting for – the announcement of the best dressed ghosts for the day! 😀 The Grand Prize Winner would walk away with an iPad Mini and 4 other lucky winners would win themselves RM100 cash each!

And.. The Most Creative Outfits go to.. Vickson and Clement!

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (13)

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (14)

The Scariest Ghosts go to… Miko and Ah Keat!

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (15)

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (16)

The Most Halloween-Feel Costume goes to… Sharon!

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (17)Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (17)

And the winner, that walked away with an iPad Mini goes to… Rachel!

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (18)

Congratulations to all winners! All in all, it was a day definitely to remember! We had a lot of fun after months of hard work and dedication in our jobs. Here’s to many more years of success, here’s to Exabytes! GO EXABEES!

Exabytes Halloween Celebration 2012 (19)

For more pictures of our awesome Halloween celebration, please visit our official Facebook page HERE!

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