2011 is just 36 hours away, have you our beloved customers already had your New Year wishes and resolutions in minds? For us at Exabytes, we do have our wishes and resolutions as well. In 2011, we wish to see the online business of our clients flourish and achieve new heights by providing them with more and more value-added products and services. What about yourself? Mind telling us your New Year wishes and resolutions? 🙂

Before we say hello to 2011, Exabytes would like to take this precious opportunity to wish everybody a promising, auspicious and enjoyable year ahead!

While you are enjoying this wonderful holiday on 1st January 2011, please don’t forget that our professional technical team will still be working 24 x 7 to assist you in case of any technical issue. Even it’s a public holiday, please do not hesitate to contact us via our ticketing system.

Once again, Happy New Year and Happy Holiday to everybody!!!

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13 years ago

Happy New Year, Exabytes! Do bring us better hosting plans at cheaper rates! Hohoho…