She…, is a female in our sales department. She…, is an able person who possesses leadership and she…, is the best performer in the company’s latest team building. Not only that, she is considered a very fast learner unanimously by a lot of us. Before we say goodbye to 2010 and say hello to 2011, Exabytes wants to congratulate this dedicated staff in our sales department who has been with the company for less than one year and yet, has shown us that with hard work and persistency, a person can indeed master the knowledge and skills at work and excel at them, within a short period of time.

Without further ado, let’s put our hands together for October’s EOTM of Exabytes – Online Business Development Executive, Pei Yin! Not only does Pei Yin have a good command of English, she is also able to communicate very well and deliver clear messages to clients. This again, has set up an excellent role model for our junior executives especially in the sales department.

Last October, she was voted the EOTM for the very first time because:

  • best performer in team building
  • aggressive approach in sales and problem solving
  • leadership style
  • fast learner
  • good in English and able to communicate well
  • able to deliver clear messages to clients

Once again, congratulations to Pei Yin, you are the star of November and we are so proud of you!

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13 years ago

Congrate, Pei Yin! 🙂