The most famous detective in the world, Sherlock Holmes is no doubt one of the Icons of England. Exabytes is honoured that we have our very own version of Sherlock Holmes! Here we would like to present to you our February 2008 Employee of the Month – Ms. Susan Liu – Technical Support Specialist whom we admire dearly. I’m sure most of our clients have spoken to her before over the phone as that’s what she is for, assisting our clients who are in need of help and showing her intellectual prowess with her inquisitive characteristic. Due to her curiosity to learn and her investigative approach in dealing with most of the clients’ issues, we have labeled her as “The Sherlock Holmes of Exabytes“.

So, what are her other distinguished attributes that make her February’s Employee of the Month? She…

  • Handles client’s call with confidence and deal with it professionally.
  • Is a fast learner and what makes her special? She is a specialist when comes to self-learning.
  • Shows a lot of initiative and you can constantly see her proactively helping other colleagues.
  • Is no doubt a friendly person whom you can turn to when you are in trouble as she is forever helpful.
  • Last but not least, following our culture of displaying the snapshot of our Employee of the Month, here you go for this month’s reigning queen!


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