
Andy Saw is a name that needs no introduction among us in Exabytes Network. Started just as a System Engineer (2001 – 2003) in Exabytes, he worked his ways into becoming Exabytes’s Technical Manager (2003- 2009)  and was extremely pleased when his hard work and effort paid off as he was recently promoted as our new Chief Operating Officer of Exabytes.

Just an ordinary boy from an average family, Andy has always had a recipe for success from as early as the tender age of nineteen. Therefore, while most teenagers his age spent their young adulthood playing War Craft, Quake 3 Arena or other computer games, Andy who has ADCS qualification in Computer Studies from Informatics, was already busy trying to earn a living by working a lot of part time jobs after graduating from high school, as the car wash boy, insurance agent, dispatch boy, office furniture technician, and not forgetting, part time promoter. Realizing that part-time jobs alone would not make the cut, he also secured himself a position as a full-time technician at General Computers (PG) before he was introduced to Exabytes.

And as fate had it, one day at the end of year 2000, Andy was asked to deliver a product to Gurney Tower (PG), where he met Chan at the lobby. Since he was already looking for a change in job environment,  Andy being the opportunist and a friendly person that he is, simply asked Chan if there was any job openings that his good old friend has heard of any, not knowing that Chan was the founder of Exabytes then. Chan then told him to come for the interview on Saturday and it was only then that he knew that his good old friend was the sole founder of the company then!

A week later, Chan called him and asked if he was interested to join Exabytes. Seeing this as a glimmer of opportunity to venture on a new job environment, he accepted the offer almost just as instantly. And a good change of job environment it was for him then! Truth be told, during his early days with Exabytes, he was completely clueless of what webhosting is all about! He had no idea what DNS is all about, let alone how TCP/IP gateway works! And since Exabytes was very new then, Chan had to handle all the jobs – billing, sales and technical support – by his own, which only allowed him to guide Andy only at some of the issues at a certain time when he comes in to the office. But as times passed by, Andy started to learn all of them slowly but surely, and mastering all the server setup and even came up with a standard procedure to be followed for new servers that came for production. And as soon as he picked up most of the technical support, Andy started to work from 6am to 3pm to allow Chan to take some rest. That life continued for the next 6 months until his 2 other friends, Jackie and PY Ooi came and joined the company. Only then that he changed his shift to full night shift, working 6 days a week alone, which lasted for about one and a half years.

And now, being the new Chief Operating Officer of Exabytes, life could not be any better for him! He now look after the company daily operations to ensure it runs smoothly and work with the department managers for operation optimization from time to time. Looking back at the past, he finds it amazing to see the company grow from 2 people to 4 people which later on filled up the Gurney Office and now to a bigger and better office with about 60 head counts working in the company. “It is just like watching your own kids grow up,” Andy said at the end of the interview with him. 🙂

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14 years ago

congratulation. bila makan makan?

Patrick Teh
Patrick Teh
14 years ago

Congratulation Andy has promote as Chief Operating Officer of Exabytes.

Marvin Lee
Marvin Lee
14 years ago

An inspiring story of hardwork paid off.
Congrats to Andy! 🙂

Anne Liew
Anne Liew
14 years ago

Hi Andy.. Although we’ve yet to know you personally but on behalf of the team of Grow IT Marketing.. Congratulations on your promotion! Your hard work and perseverance have paid off, and you are very deserving. Celebrate! Anne Liew, Account Manager

14 years ago

This story reminds me of the time we chit chat in the office at Gurney Tower. Time flies, eh.

Anyway, congratulations Ah Khoon! 🙂

Dr. Kalpit Sanghvi
Dr. Kalpit Sanghvi
14 years ago

Congrates, Andy! I have also seen you & your company growing since am old client.
I always appreciated the support system you & chan established at Exabytes.
I wish you & the company may grow from 60 to 6000 employee infrastructure and providing state of the art infrastructure to the hosting industry.
Dont remain delay in applying latest plans as i moved once because of there was no unlimited domain hosting plan in our company & I had to move to another company for reseller package, even today there no unlimited domain hosting widows platform or multi platform reseller package, which is the demand of small & Mid Segment web development company.
Oh, sorry, I have started evaluating business plan.

Any wish for your new post & promotion.

Dr. Kalpit Sanghvi
Dr. Mayuri Sanghvi
Vision Informatics
14 years ago

