Virtual Private Server is always referred as high-end server hosting service as the users are usually IT-savvy people who prefer to maintain the server at their end and have full access to the server to perform server configurations.

Today, websites and web hosting no longer belong to the group of IT-savvy but to the general public too as many web hosting providers had started to offer services which assist customers to maintain their servers on their own. While this scenario has initiated the mushrooming of E-Commerce websites and online shopping carts, many people had chosen to start with shared hosting instead of VPS.

Starting up your E-Commerce websites and shopping carts with shared hosting is nothing wrong however it is not the most suitable.

 Virtual Private Server, Private Server

Why Do I Need VPS Instead Of Shared Hosting?

Your E-Commerce website traffic is ever increasing once you started your effort in marketing and promoting your site. Its growth is rather equivalent to the growth of a toddler. When your toddler’s shoes size or clothes size gets bigger, you will need to change them from S to M or M to L. The same goes to your websites. When your website is growing and your web traffic keeps increasing, it is necessary to upgrade your hosting to a bigger one to ensure website stability and better website experience. In the end, after all the effort and sweat in promoting your E-Commerce site, you certainly do not want to see your visitors got turned away by website slowness and instability.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) is in fact a much better choice for E-Commerce sites. In addition, owners can opt for a managed VPS plan so that the technical team of the web hosting company can assist them in managing their servers. On a side note, server migration and maintenance are required when changing your hosting plans from shared hosting to VPS.

What Are The Services?

  1. Like our personal computers, the operating system of a server needs regular updates. Our technical team will monitor and advise from time to time whether there is a need to update your operating system.
  2. Server security is the biggest concern of a website owner. Apart from installing an antivirus software, server hardening is another effective way to protect the server.
  3. We have Ping Monitoring System to check your servers every 60 seconds to verify that your servers are available online.
  4. Our technical support provides 24x7x365, round-the-clock helpdesk support to our clients. Our response time is within 2 hours.

To know when to upgrade your hosting plans, owners can periodically check their website traffic from the control panel statistics. They could also request from their hosting providers an accurate hosting report and decide when to upgrade.

Exabytes Network’s rule of thumb is Customer First and it is our pleasure to clear whatever hosting doubts you have in your mind. Visit us at for more information.

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