We know, we know. We have been a little quiet lately, thanks to the super hectic days we had for the last couple of months. But, a promise is a promise. And as promised, we are happy to keep you updated, and announce another deserving star, entitling him to win this award! Oh yes, the secret is out. The award goes to a man this time!
Oh wow. He did it again! He has won the title before, and he earns it again this time! Which means, that he will be bringing back a Travel Voucher worth RM500 for his second consecutive win! Without further ado, let’s all give a round of applause to – Mr JY Teh, The Webhosting Doctor! Woohoo!

That’s right, JY Teh has shown such remarkable dedication and commitment in his profession, it is very rare to find him disappointing the customers. So what are the traits he has, making him the best yet among the rest? Let’s check it out!

• Has improved tremendously in solving clients’ tickets
• Always willing to give his colleagues a helping hand
• Ever willing to be on standby.
• Manage to do follow-up consistently and efficiently.
• Hardworking and full of initiatives.

So that’s what it takes to become a hero for this month! Okay, personality traits revealed, still remember how he looks like? Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for your reigning king of this month, Mr JY Teh!


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15 years ago

Wow! Thumb up to Teh. This showed your company is appreciated your afford. And as customer i am very happy because i am sure i will continue getting good support from Exabytes.

15 years ago

Credits to Ah Teh! Keep up the good work, and continue getting customers like Mr Simon here satisfied at all times! Cheers! 😉