It’s time to make it hot! After being MIA (Missing in Action) for quite some time, Exabytes is here to heat your day once again with our Second Season of EOTM! October is indeed a month of celebration. Early of the month, we celebrated Eid Fitr aka Hari Raya. A few weeks later, we celebrated Deepavali. And while you just wiped off that gruesome makeup for last Halloween celebration, we are happy to announce yet another best performer in Exabytes!

And as we do not have any winner for the month of September, the month of October will witness not one, but TWO shining stars who will bring back RM250 Travel Voucher each! Double celebration, yeah! 😀 Oh and the Voucher can be accumulated, of course. So let’s say the winner for this month does not want to use the Voucher yet, and he/she gets to win the EOTM award for the second time, the Travel Voucher will then be accumulated to RM500 Travel Voucher! Of course, this prize offer is valid for Second Season EOTM (August 2008 – December 2008) only. 😛

 Anyway. Without further ado, the winners for this start of Second Season go to – David Ch’ng and JY Teh! Woohoo!

That’s right, for some of you, David and JY Teh are the same people that have been corresponding with you while helping to resolve your webhosting issues through the tickets sent it! But what are the traits they have, making them the best yet among the rest? Let’s check it out!


  • Very hardworking and full of initiatives.
  • Very responsible and independent in executing his daily tasks.
  • Incredibly helpful, efficient and dedicated in solving unresolved issues.
  • Extremely friendly, and treat his other team members with respect.

JY Teh

  • Manage to assist customers in a timely manner.
  • Manage to resolve overdue tickets efficiently.
  • Hardworking and full of initiatives.
  • Able to provide good and detailed reports on any issues.
  • Outstanding performance.

So that’s what makes them the heroes of this month! Okay, personality traits revealed, but how do they look like? Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for your reigning kings of this month, Mr David Ch’ng and JY Teh!


Congratulations both of you!

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