In case you have not already heard it, .my DOMAIN REGISTRY, the sole administrator for web addresses that end with .my in Malaysia, held a seminar on Online Presence: Your Gateway To Success.

Not wanting to miss the event, of course Exabytes was there to witness the event, along with the other 200 participants and 4 exhibitors (Exabytes, E-Global Focus, SSM, and SME Corp Malaysia) that came all the way to set up their booths for the event.

The seminar was kicked off with welcoming speeches from .my DOMAIN REGISTRY Technology & Innovation Manager, Pn. Norsuzana Harun on behalf of Director, Shariya Haniz Zulkifli. Director, Security, Trust & Governance, En. Harme Mohamed then delivered his opening remarks which was then followed by speeches by the invited speakers. Our famous CEO Chan Kee Siak was also given the honor to be one of the speakers on the topic : what is a web presence and why have one?

Besides the talks and exhibitions, the highlight of the event was the free 1 year .my voucher that is given by .my DOMAIN REGISTRY for quick participants that manage to register their domain on the day itself or before November 10th 2009. The voucher can be found in the goodie bags given to the participants on that day, so for those of you who have yet to secure your domain on that day, this is your last call to do so by claiming your free .my domain from Exabytes before November 10th 2009 yea! And in case this news got to you a day too-late, don’t fret as we also have fantastic .my bargains at our website that you would want to get your hands on!

The seminar wrapped up at about 5.00pm and it was indeed a well-received event. And just so you can experience it for yourself, here are the snapshots of the event, taken by our own talented photographer! Enjoy!












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