We’ve been dreaming for it for days. We’ve been anticipating for its arrival like a kid waiting for Santa’s presents. And finally, it arrived – it’s Bungalow Stay @ Penang Hill time!

Our jolly-fun trip started at Penang Hill’s downhill station, where all of us gathered at one place while waiting for our train tickets. The queue was really long when we got there. It took us about half an hour for us to get our tickets and it felt even forever for the funicular train to arrive. But finally it did, and we got on board and up, up to the hill! The view was really scenic along the way, we couldn’t help feeling blown away!

And then we reached the top. As soon as we stepped our feet on uphill station, we were immediately separated into four groups :

  • Black Group (Transformers)
  • Blue Group (The Simpsons)
  • Orange Group (South Park)
  • Red Group (The Incredibles)

Suddenly we heard some of our female staffs shrieked! We turned around and were caught off guard when we saw some of the tourists taking pictures which a large, slimy, yellow snake! Goodness! However, not wanting to miss this chance of a lifetime experience, we gathered all the confidence we could muster, and braved ourselves to take pictures with the snake as well! Don’t believe us? Check us out! 😀





Mr Chan then cut the “extra large movie ticket” to officially launch the Bungalow Stay event. This is a gimmick as to “start” this event’s theme – Life’s Like A Movie.


After dropping off our bags and belongings, we then started our first game, which was the National Treasure game. It was a treasure hunt game, and the aim was to solve a movie’s name by collecting all the hidden letter-cards. None of the team won this game though (hehe), as each of the team lacked of one piece of letter-card.





The activity of the day continued as we were ushered to the field nearby where we were all blind folded to play the next game – Old MacDonald Had A Farm. In this game, we were asked to find our own team-mates by clucking/mooing/heehaw-ing/bleating – oh yes, we had to find our team mate just by mimicking the sound of the chicken/cow/horse/goat – no names allowed! Haha!





All the running and shrieking were making us a little hungry. Therefore as we stopped to gasp for some air, we were also served with the “legendary” chicken pies from the Penang Hills. Needless to say, it has got to be one of the classic chicken pies we have ever tasted!

Next we were introduced to the fourth game of the day – Spiderman! The aim of this game was to get your team mate through the “spidey web” without touching the net. Tricky yes, but fun! It took a whole lot of cooperation and team work though! And in case you’re wondering, yes, we all fitted through the net successfully regardless of our “various” sizes ok! 😀







The fun continued where we attempted the third activity of the day – the Aviator! Equipped with just newspapers and sticks, we were asked to build flying objects! Many chose to make kites, though, as they were the only easiest, working thing to do!





Then it was the highlight of the day – Ratatouille aka Steamboat Competition! The team with the most creative steamboat decoration wins the competition! However, other factors like cleanliness, tastiness and teamwork were also taken into consideration in order to determine the winner. Now look at how pretty the steamboats were! (Before they all got crammed into the steaming bowl and into our tummy, of course.)





Wondering who won the competition? Hehe. The Transformers won the competition (yes, the one with coconut shells and leaves) with the most beautiful decoration! Well done, robots! 😛

After our tummies were well fed with the food from the steamboat, Mr Chan took the liberty of giving out real movie passes to the 4 OCs of the event (Gaveen, Nicholas, Arren & ST Ooi) as a token of appreciation for their hardwork and effort to pull this event successfully together.





We also had a good 2-hour rest to clean and refresh ourselves before the next game began – LOTR The Two Towers! In this game, we were asked to build a twin-tower just by using newspapers. Think we couldn’t do it? Ha, think again!










Looks like fun eh? It sure was! 😀 But the fun did not just stop there as each of us then played “masak-masak” afterwards and pretended to be the world’s renowned chefs while we grilled some chickens, hotdogs and loads more! It had to be one of the best BBQ nights ever as we gathered around, chatted, laughed and just enjoyed having the company of each other. 🙂





And before we called it a night, we played one more game – Casino Royale, where we just laid back and had fun playing card games. It was getting late however, so some of us went to bed early and slept like babies while some of us continued staying up and playing till 4am in the morning!

The next morning, some woke up early to catch the breathtaking view of the sunrise from Penang Hill, while others – just too tired to lift an eye – continued snuggling deep in their blankets in the chilly beautiful morning.

And then it was time to pack up our things to bid goodbye to our bungalow house and of course, the beautiful Penang Hill. After breakfast, we gathered again outside our bungalow for the Closing Ceremony. It was indeed a memorable trip to all of us! Thank you dear OCs who have taken great effort into making this trip a memorable one. You guys are the best!

And oh, confidential for you readers out there, if you have not been to Penang Hill before, two words from us – YOU SHOULD! 😀 Until we update you again for the next event, bye for now! 😉


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Chan - Exabytes
Chan - Exabytes
15 years ago

It was a really wonderful weekend! It was so many years since my last trip to Penang Hill. We had a lot of fun over the weekend.

15 years ago

It was really a nice trip! I’m sure the relationship among members has become closer and closer again!

15 years ago

I like the bungalow. although is old, but is clean and comfortable. The view also very nice especially at night. I enjoy most is the team building game where we all play and enjoy our self together.

Exabytes Blog » Planning A Trip To Penang Hill?
15 years ago

[…] must be spreading out fast like fire among all of you about our trip to Penang Hill recently because since we posted our entry on our recent stay at a bungalow on Penang Hill top […]

14 years ago

hi guys.. looks like lotsa fun and very beautiful view up there. Also, good job on arrangement and activities for the organiser!

Can i know if you guys have the contact number if i want to rent the bungalow?
