To all Malaysians,

Exabytes wishes all of you a very Happy Independence Day and let’s work together towards making Malaysia a great place to live in and be a nation that is peaceful, united and prosperous!

Let’s achieve this year’s Independence Day Theme: Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan

Special reminder to our clients 🙂

As usual, Exabytes will keep its words to delivering 24/7 technical support. Merdeka day will not be an exception too. Our office will be closed on 31st August 2008 and 1st September 2008 and we will only resume duty on 2nd September 2008.

However, technical support will still be available on 31st August 2008 as well as 1st September 2008. In case of technical issue, don’t hesitate to contact us via our ticketing sytem.

Til then, Happy holiday!

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15 years ago

appy….peace 4 ever