It’s year 2008 and here comes the new bout of Exabytes Employee of the Month awards! In the first month of 2008, the winner who takes lead and holds the belt of the Employee of the Month January is a person unacquainted to most of Exabytes customers, but certainly not to Exabytes members. If you don’t know who is she, here is the chance to get know more about this leading character of January, our lovely Administrative Executive, Ms KY Chan!

Well, let’s us find out together more about her successes that make her no doubt deserve for this award.

  • Although she is not working at front end, but she always plays the crucial role in the administration of financial and documental tasks in Exabytes. The substantial contribution she has made at the back end has regarded her as “The Guardian Angel Behind the Screen”.
  • She is able to perform multitasking and highly productive.
  • She is a responsible person and always able to complete tasks assigned on timely manner.
  • She is favorable and helpful to colleagues.
  • She always takes accountability and willing to work additional hours to complete tasks.
  • She is always praised for her hardworking, friendly, take initiative and cheerful personality.
  • Here is the friendly face of our Guardian Angel and please don’t grudge her your applause!


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