why cloud services are essentialCountries such as Singapore enjoy an internet penetration of 82% and while this is great for those based there, this may not be the case for others across the globe. The case for web accessibility is not just to reach those who have disabilities, but also those with challenging infrastructures that prevent them from enjoying the full internet experience. Technological barriers could also play a big part in the lack of proper access to the internet, which could lead to data loss and security breaches. For website owners who don’t necessarily have the luxury of fast and readily available internet coverage, cloud storage becomes a key player in the longevity and success of their site.

1. Cloud Services Are Generally Fast 

One of the toughest obstacles those with limited access to computers or the internet have is a speedy connection. Cloud services that invest in their infrastructure often rate speed as one of their top-selling points, and for those who don’t necessarily have the luxury of hardware as a backup, this is a critical service point. Automatic syncing can take place in order to make the service as seamless as possible once a user enters a WiFi zone. This setting also allows users to save on mobile data. In terms of cost, the speed of the service doesn’t necessarily translate into a higher cost. The speed of the data transfers could also prevent data loss, however, it’s important to ensure that the speed doesn’t compromise the security.

2. Multiple Devices And Multiple Platforms Have Access

One of the benefits of cloud storage is that it’s accessible through various platforms. Those who save their information on external hard drives, flash drives, and micro SD cards might find this a challenge as not all devices can access all of these. Cloud-based storage, however, can be accessed across all the devices, whether mobile or desktop. Cloud-based storage is also a simple means of backing up your website, and if you’ve gone through the trouble of making it ADA compliant for an American audience, you would want to ensure that a major server crash or data interruption doesn’t leave you without a website. It also means that you can restore your site while traveling or out of office, which means site downtime is minimal. For those who rely on an income through their site, this is an important consideration as downtime could result in loss of income.

3. A Question Of Scalability 

One of the advantages of taking on cloud storage as a solution for your website and other data storage needs is that it evolves and grows with your business. Many providers have various packages that provide the right storage solution for businesses depending on their needs. Scalability is an important factor to consider before taking on any service, as it can affect the growth and cost margins of the business.
While internet providers, website builders, and hosts are always working on new ways to increase accessibility, there are ways to make the journey a little easier. Cloud storage happens to be a service that takes the fuss out of the storage and backup part of things.
What do you think of the future for cloud services, are you already in it? Leave a comment below and let us know.
Why Cloud Tech Is Essential To Web Accessibility