To begin from where it was left . . .

16th October 2010 Post Lunch

To drive away the lethargy, we were drawn into some truly refreshing activities. ‘Big fish-small fish’ being the one where everyone was completely in, big fish was symbolized with hands together & small fish was hands apart, the rank opposite – this being done to achieve tandem between brain and body. The big fish small fish has been pronounced incorrectly as big “shit”, small “shit” when we are going fast in this game. Was fun all the more, we got some realllly big fishes and some very very tiny ones too! 😀

In the end, it was only two people who were left to get it right till the finish.

Everyone are too excited in this game and no picture taken for this game. But … we have a video for you here.

Big Fish Small Fish

Then began what was possibly the most engaging, mentally challenging and possibly the defining activity of the entire two day event. This was called “Make Your Own Money” where the four groups which had already been formed took up individual departments too, there was the Sales & Marketing department, Customer Service, Technical support and Finance department. All the department were given charts for this. We had to call out “X” or “Y” and then would win or lose money depending on the combination of “X” or “Y” received, departments would make millions or lose millions. To begin with, the technical support team led the pack till the 4th round, in the 5th round, stakes were doubled where you lose double money or win double money, the 8th round was triple money, 10th round was five times money.

It was all going well till the 5th round where stakes multiplied, some departments were making millions, some losing millions, not very good for the company. In true team-building spirit of co-operation, the department heads and members came together and decided to flash the same cards from round 8 to ensure the company made handsome profits across all departments! There was such a lot of discussions, arguments, division and also co-operation, it symbolized and truly encapsulated the entire two day event. In the end, the company was the winner, as it should always be!

Everyone was so excited getting the graduation certificate for this fruitful team building.

Participation Certificate

Group Photo time for everyone that attended this ExaBee Langkawi Team Building.

Group Photo

Follow by Individual team photo.

Tarzan Team
Tarzan Team
Wonder Blue Team
Wonder Blue Team
9 King Coconut Team
9 King Coconut Team
The Cube Team
The Cube Team
Chan & Instructor - James Leow

Dinner on Saturday was “steam-boat” and lot of spirits too (we were in Langkawi, how can we let go this opportunity! :P). It was fun, merry-making, lot of healthy banter too. Thus ended Friday & Saturday.

17th October 2010

An early breakfast gathering at 08.00 took place at the hotel lobby. We all had checked out and converged for breakfast and a sort of tour around Langkawi.

Even here, true to our “Customer First” motto, we had our support personnel on duty from the hotel. They were to join us later and some of the members who had been part of the morning batch would take up duty in the noon.

Post breakfast, we departed to experience the cable-car ride, a 30 minute drive from the hotel.

It was a truly amazing, stomach-churning experience for some, but wonderfully riveted with nature. From level zero to 850 meters above sea-level in just about 15 to 20 minutes is an uplifting (pun intended) feeling! After reaching the topmost station, we walked towards the cable bridge and walk-way put up for tourists and visitors to literally walk through heavens, such was the mist and haze here. At that height, it was so breezy, we had hairs going around everywhere, some people being pushed by the wind and some of us enjoying 100Plus! Below are some pictures from there, just see the panoramic views and nature in its purest form.

We came down from there and proceeded for lunch at KFC where our morning support shift personnel joined in. Post lunch was leisure for an hour where all of us did what we wanted. Some went bowling, some played pool, some were just window shopping. At 3.30. PM we all gathered back at the bus station to leave for the duty free shopping spree everyone was waiting. We were taken to the Teow Soon Huat super-market for the poisons of our life – chocolates, spirits, alcohol and cigarettes. We all bought bagfuls.

Langkawi airport saw all of us together at 5 PM. We checked in and waited for our Firefly flight back to Penang. Some snacks water and drinks helped spend an hour. We also were upto Facebook updates, twitter updates, mail updates – the internet faithful and addicts that we are :). We took off from Langkawi at precisely 06.20 PM having collected for ourselves a lifetime of memories, learning, education, spirit of co-operation and more importantly fun filled camaraderie.

We landed in Penang at 06.55 PM. Off we went to our houses and pads. Monday morning was never more refreshing at 1-18 Suntech@cybercity!

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