Well, how many of you out there are crazy about video games? I’m sure tons of you are!

As in Exabytes, there are many video game or Wii fanatics too. In order to feed the gaming appetite of these fanatics in the company, Wii Competition is held as a yearly internal event for our staff.

Exabytes Wii Competition 2010 was held from 26 May 2010 – 15 Jun 2010 in Exabytes Penang office Fun Room. We are sorry for this update which is little later through blog.

Read a little more about Exabytes Wii Competition 2009 here.

As so many of us are already familiar ‘practising Wii’ after office hours. No doubt, this year’s competition is a special one because in previous years our staff were competing in groups but for this year, it’s all one-to-one actions. Participants are allowed to choose only one game they play best from the following:

1. Table Tennis Game
2. Basket Ball Game
3  Swordsplay Game
4. Cycling Game
5. Archery Game

And…….. Here we start!!

First Match - PY Ooi Vs Roger Lew: Since it’s the first match, might as well take  some time to warm up!
First Match - PY Ooi Vs Roger Lew: Since it’s the first match, might as well take some time to warm up!
COO Andy Vs Luis Ku.  Andy: I’ll beat you with grace! Luis Ku: I sting like a bee!
COO Andy Vs Luis Ku. Andy: I’ll beat you with grace! Luis Ku: I sting like a bee!
Table Tennis by the beach
Table Tennis by the beach
Some emotional moments!
Some emotional moments!

And after numerous exciting rounds and fierce competition, the WINNERS are out. Our CEO Chan Kee Siak will present the prizes to our winners.

Table Tennis Game Winner – HP Beng
Table Tennis Game Winner – HP Beng
Basketball Game Winner – CY Tan
Basketball Game Winner – CY Tan
Swordplay Game Winner – Michael Ch’ng
Swordplay Game Winner – Michael Ch’ng
Cycling Game Winner – KC Yeap
Cycling Game Winner – KC Yeap
Archery Game Winner – KS Lim
Archery Game Winner – KS Lim

You guys are officially recognized as the Wii Fanatics and sport enthusiasts of Exabytes! 🙂

Congratulations HP Beng, CY Tan, Michael Ch’ng, KC Yeap and KS Lim!!!
Congratulations KS Lim,HP Beng, CY Tan, KC Yeap and Michael Ch’ng

And of course after numerous exhausting rounds of competition, it will be against the company culture to not have a ‘Makan-Makan’ feast as a celebration and some ‘sweat replenishment’ moments.

The closing party was held on 15 June, 12-1pm and all participants were treated to a great variety of savory food including pizzas, potato salad, bihun, fried rice, and many more.

Last but not least, a thousand thanks to our Organizing Committee for making this event so much fun and a successful one! Let’s give a big round of applause to them, from your left in the first row is our OC Advisor Adeline Tan, followed by ST Ooi at her right. In the second row starting from your left are Arren Tan, Hooi Meng and Kevin.

So long, Exabytes’ Wii Competition 2010! And we definitely look forward to the next year’s Wii Competition with greater anticipation!

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