Will the EOTM please stand up, please stand up! 30 days is not a long time, and who in Exabytes office is able to make miracles twice within 30 days? No doubt, there is such a ‘superhuman’ in our office, his working attitude and dedication is so superb that there is no other way round for our ever critical EOTM judges except declaring him the 3-time EOTM in just 7 months!! Gosh, not only is this guy fantastic at work, he possesses fun and affable personality and a sexy smile (claimed by some). Besides all these, we all know that his ‘mou lei tao’ sense of humor has always brightened up our days in the office.

Some of you might be very familiar with his amiable face as well as he used to be the person our clients saw every time they clicked on the link to send Exabytes a helpdesk ticket. Be it our VPS (Windows Private Server) web page, Business Web Hosting page or other hot promotion page, his amiable face was seen everywhere.

Without further ado, let’s give a big hand to EOTM January 2011, technical engineer, MR Gaveen Khor!!

Apart from all the good qualities we know, allow us to highlight a few:

-Take the initiative to speak to clients to resolve technical issues.

-Positive Working Attitude.

-Resolve complaints in highly professional manner

-A heart to work extra time

Triple congratulations to you Gaveen! You are our Role Model of the Year and we are so proud of your self-sacrificing spirit at work!

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