Last weekend, the committees from MyBloggerCon (大马部落) paid us a special visit.

These bloggers came to meet and present us with a testimonial as their token of appreciation for our sponsorship on their Dedicated Server hosting. We were deeply moved by their sincerity as they traveled all the way from KL to Penang, and there were a total 8 of them! What an honor!



Since they have come a long way to show their gratitude to us, surely a peek at Exabytes’s office was a chance not-to-be-missed! After all, a golden opportunity like this does not knock on one’s door very often! Therefore, with great honor, we brought these special guests around the office for a brief office tour in the hopes to show them our real working ethics and environment. They seemed impressed – well, at least that was the impression they gave us from the looks on their faces! Hehe.


Oh and one thing you should know is that, here in Exabytes, we believe that every guest should be treated like kings and queens at any possible time. Therefore, when the clock stroke 1pm and our stomachs started to growl, as usual, our generous CEO Chan Kee Siak killed the fatted calf and threw a hearty lunch to welcome all of our special guests. During this time, we have also taken the opportunity to exchange the experiences and views in blogging culture and hosting industry trends.

It was indeed a day to remember and an even great pleasure to meet all of them. They have absolutely done a marvelous job in developing local blogging culture and therefore, keep up the good work, guys!


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15 years ago

You guys ROCK!