It was a fun night for the KL Exabees last Saturday. We’ve been planning for quite some time for a nice team building ever since our new office in SetiaWalk, Puchong opened. So when our CEO decided to drop a visit to KL last weekend, we decided it was the perfect timing to do some activity together — laser tag war!

We gathered at Laser Warzone, IOI Mall at about 6pm. While waiting for the rest to arrive, we had a round (okay, a few rounds!) at the arcade games just in front of the Laser Warzone area.

Exabytes KL Team Building @ Laser Warzone, IOI Mall

Once everyone arrived, we were brought into a room where we were briefed about the game and the do’s & dont’s as many of us were first-timers. We were asked to wear some cool looking sensor suits where we’re supposed to target and shoot our opponents at. We can also choose the weapon we want by pressing the buttons conveniently provided on the guns and there’s also a mini screen on the gun for us to view total points scored, current weapon, shield life and so on.

Exabytes KL Team Building @ Laser Warzone, IOI Mall 1

Once we were briefed (and nicely shielded), the game is on! We were separated into 2 teams – the Blue team and Red team.

Exabytes KL Team Building @ Laser Warzone, IOI Mall 2

Exabytes KL Team Building @ Laser Warzone, IOI Mall 3

were brought into a pitch-black room with loads of glow-in-the-dark equipments to help us duck & hide from the laser beams! PEW PEW PEW! (We didn’t get any nice in-action pictures because it was too dark inside, but here are some pictures taken from Google to give you an idea how things look inside!)

Exabytes KL Team Building @ Laser Warzone, IOI Mall 4

There were 8 rounds altogether, and after the first half, we were served with dinner (nasi lemak & water) to revive ourselves. Thank God for the dinner because really, all those running and ducking and hiding really took a lot of energy but fun nonetheless!

After the game, we all gathered to take some group photos.

Exabytes KL Team Building @ Laser Warzone, IOI Mall group photo

Needless to say, we absolutely enjoyed this laser tag game and we think it would be too for anyone else, especially for beginners, no matter how old you are! It’s like playing hide and seek in a whole new level. Definitely a good workout if you’re like us who spent most of our time sitting away in the office

So, anyone dare to go head-on with us on this game?

More pictures at : KL Team Building @ Laser Warzone, IOI Mall

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