.xyz Domain Names

The next generation of Internet: .xyz

Available now! From $14.90

Search for your .xyz domain now.

What is .xyz?

.xyz is a bold and fresh domain choice for users who seek creativity and flexibility. It is short and memorable without the limitation of label or language barrier.

Dominate other domains with .xyz

With some of the world’s biggest brands making their online homes at .xyz, it could signal a behemoth dominance and put other extensions to an end for good. Get the website you’ve always wanted with a .xyz domain name today.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Standard prices apply to regular domain names. Exabytes reserves the right to refund or request a top-up for premium domains.
  2. You do agree to our terms of service available here.
  3. Exabytes reserves the right to amend any Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

Why Choose

Your complete AI, Business App, Cloud, Digital and Ecommerce solutions provider

SEA's Trusted and Leading Brand

Known and recognised as Southeast Asia’s leading AI, Business App, Cloud, Digital and Ecommerce solutions provider, powering over 160,000 customers globally.

More Than A Web Hosting Provider

We are your one-stop point for all that your business needs to build an online presence and grow your business to greater heights online.

The Latest is Here at Exabytes

We are equipped with the latest digital solutions at all times, that is best-suited for your business performance.

Proven 100% Client Satisfaction

We are backed by excellent client confidence and satisfaction, and the products and services we offer carry credibility.

Trusted and Endorsed by Our Esteemed and Valued Service Partners